No experience IT and HoReCa jobs in Armenia in one click

Move2Armenia Career
The JobHub project has been transformed into Move2Armenia Career.

You can find vacancies from the field of IT and HoReCa (hotels, restaurants, cafes) on the portal.

The portal provides the following opportunities:
  • To apply to 150+ vacancies without experience and knowledge of the Armenian language
  • Fill in a profile to contact the employer
  • Create and post a resume
  • Track regular updates of the new verified vacancies
  • Find vacancies with the help of 10 filters

A selection of vacancies is published in our Telegram channel daily as well.

We are going to post vacancies from other fields in our portal in the next 3 months. So, join us and don’t miss the opportunity to find a job in Armenia without experience and knowledge of the Armenian language!
Office address: 5 Ter-Grigoryan St
Phone: +374 95 224-968